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Our dedication to preservation and memory

Derrio Wood Company is committed to the preservation of the Desert Ironwood (Olneya Tesota). It is not listed on the CITES publication of protected species, but threats surround it nonetheless such as urbanization, ground water depletion, drought, cattle, and the overharvesting of trees in Mexico.  The sets we provide are legally and sustainably chosen from dead trees that have been fallen for decades and even centuries.  It is important to understand that what seems like a dead Desert Ironwood is capable of reseeding itself.  We do not choose those trees.  Our trees no longer serve as living specimens and do not provide nurseries for surrounding saguaros. These trees have succumbed to their natural lifespan and often, if you look around, you can see the next generation of living trees it most likely seeded.  

Deceased Desert Ironwood stumps remain intact for astonishing amounts time (up to 1600 years) due to their unique density, somewhat toxic composition, and slow growth tolerating the hot summers of the Sonoran Desert.  The wood is non-biodegradable and insects steer clear of the heartwood.  

Raymond and Ashley Kraut live and work on rural lands once occupied by the sophisticated Hohokam.  Their dedication to the preservation of their land, its flora and fauna, and the surrounding area is a continuous passion.  They believe that honoring these deceased sacred trees through that of mindful luthiery, is perhaps one of the best ways to keep the memory of the Desert Ironwood alive for generations to come.  If you are lucky enough to acquire a set of Desert Ironwood, we ask that you spread awareness and knowledge about its unique life and the need of conservation. 

Each Desert Ironwood we harvest will be uniquely named and carbon dated through the University of Arizona, which is a lengthy process, but the papers will be sent to each purchaser once the results are in.

For more information please email

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